

Jackson Heller

You’re a raging anarchist or Marxist or whatever, but you’re not really sure how to put that into practice other than periodically having a nervous fit over the impact of your consumer choices. You have a job at a bougie local cafe and an apartment with some chill roommates. You’ve been dating Delilah for over a year now and still don’t know how you lucked out like that. Things are pretty okay for you, all in all. You’ve got your shit under control. Kinda. Maybe.

First spotted: Getting off to a poster of notorious historical anarchist Emma Goldman

Delilah Rose

You’re dating Jackson, and also Ben, and also Ilana when you both happen to be in the same town. You love connecting with others, but you also value your alone time. You have a landscaping business that’s doing pretty well. You could probably stand to hear the word “no” more often.

First spotted: Emerging from between Jackson’s legs like a damn groundhog or something

Ben Hawkins

You’re kind of a perfectionist, and you’ll take up any hobby that gives you more space to nitpick yourself. In spite of that you’re actually a pretty laid back dude. You’re dating Delilah, and you’ve recently become pretty good friends with her partner Jackson.

First spotted: Fanboying over a superpowered barista

Ilana Mayorga

You live life as free as the wind blows, and ain’t nobody gonna change that! Your main occupations include a) going to music festivals, and b) working just enough to earn money to go to music festivals. Your mere presence dials up the magical realism levels of the story by a factor of ten. Your relationship with Delilah would be unsustainable if you were ever together for more than a few days at a time, but boy is it fun when you do meet up.

First spotted: Defying death itself and stealing some guy’s hat

Mimi Martelli

You’re one of Jackson’s roommates and a chronic gig-hopper. Your hookup game is unparalleled, and you have an unshakably positive attitude about life. You’re pretty sure everything happens for a good reason, and the universe will always have your back in the end.

First spotted: Suggesting an exchange of sexual advice as a fun ice breaker

Felicity Sun

You’re Jackson’s other roommate. Your favorite things include sugary drinks, video games, and staying in your room. Your least favorite things include other human beings.

First spotted: Advising Jackson to permanently give up human acquaintance


You’ve been haunting Jackson and co’s apartment since… wait, what century did you die in again? What century is it now? What were we talking about?

First spotted: Invading Jackson’s privacy in a big way



Dave Anderson

You’re Jackson’s boss and the owner of Cafe CBDelicious (“We put CBD in literally everything!”). You saw Black Panther a while ago and now you think you’re woke. You’re basically the worst.

First spotted: Unironically enforcing a sliding scale based on hotness

Marty McLean

Yikes, they want you to write a description of yourself? Well, it’s kind of a cute idea, you guess, in a stupid but hilarious but totally cringy way. You’re a trans boy, and you’re sixteen, and you’re low-key internet famous. You randomly crossed paths with Jackson one day and you’ve kept in touch, mostly because you think they’re pretty fun to mess with.

First spotted: Throwing a carnival tent’s worth of shade on Jackson mere seconds after meeting them

Madeleine Bergstrom

Not much is known about you. You host the open mic at a local coffee shop, and you nanny a couple toddlers. Jackson has a big messy crush on you, but it just… hasn’t been the right moment yet.

First spotted: Dazzling Jackson while asking for like, a brochure or something


Eli Nguyen

You love bikes. Boy oh boy, do you love bikes. You own the local bike repair shop, and when you’re not fixing bikes you enjoy riding bikes, thinking about bikes, and fixing more bikes but just not for money this time. You and Delilah have a big mutual boner for each other, but that’s been put on hold for now, because of reasons.

First spotted: Remembering Delilah and Jackson’s bicycles in microscopic detail but forgetting both of their names

Terry and Jonathan Rose

You’re Delilah’s dads, and you sincerely think she might be the best human so far. Like, in the world. In history.

First spotted: Being astounded that their 26-year-old daughter is in fact not a fat baby


Rafael “Twitch” Estrada

You’re Ben’s roommate and an electronic musician. Your superpower is hyperfocusing on making beats for hours and hours and forgetting to eat and messing up your wrist.

First spotted: Genuinely having no idea he’s being vacuumed around

Daniel “Berk” Berkowitz

You’re part of Ben’s friend group, and your superpower is that you’ve totally unlearned white supremacy and misogyny, and you don’t need to work on it anymore! Hey, great job, buddy!

First spotted: Giving himself a free pass to accidentally misgender people

MacKenzie “Mac” Beckwith

You’re part of Ben’s friend group, and your superpower is being one of The Guys.

First spotted: Channeling Genghis Khan

Party Jeff

You’re part of Ben’s friend group, and your superpower is you can attend up to three parties simultaneously.

First spotted: Partying, what else?